This may be a stupid question, but I was wondering if loud music bothered fish. I dont mean concert loud, I sometimes like to turn up a good tune, just wondering if that would bother my fish being in the same room, doesnt seem like it.
I am suprised I actully posted this post
I am sure that on some level that it would upset the fish, especially new additions. But I have also found that most animals adjust to the level of noise that is in thier enviornment. I worked as a zookeeper for 5 years and was often suprised that certain animals lived in noisy situations that you would think would upset them but they learn to block it out and it becomes the norm. That being said, I wouldn't play your bass so loud that the water in your tank is moving
Thanks for taking the time to replie to a goofy question. I very rarely get to play my music loud anyway due to I live in a apartment. Do fish here sounds or do they feel the vibration? Reminds me of a 80's song
From what I hear, it's the vibration that will stress the fish...not just the volume..the bass level is more of a problem...if you are thumping the sound, the vibration will go right through the tank...
There has been heated debates over this. However I have a large theatre and I listen to it loud all the time. My reef is in the same room. I have not had a problem with my reef and its been up and running well over a year.
Just remeber some fish are transported in loud jets for days at a time then driven all over the place then finally to your tank.If a jets engine doesnt stress them out, I'm not positive that a little loud music will!
I constantly play my guitar and listen to loud music all the time in the same room as the fish. They act like they cant even hear it so im sure its fine.
you have to figure that in nature they exist in some pretty noisy places. for example surf smashing against rocks probably sounds like thunder underwater.
I have my home theatre system turned up all the time when I watch movies and my tank is also in the same room. I've watched them at times to see if anything acts any different when I turn it up and no one seems to act any different.
The wife is another story ...