Loud Noise D M M



i am about to set up my 140 gal tank
but i have read and now am experiencing unwanted noise,
the noise is a regular thing for the equipment to do, or so ive read
my question is
do any of you guys/gals ever used some type of equipment to lower the noise from your stand (the one that has all you equip; pump,skimmer etc. and the one that makes the more noise)
can you tell me what you used on the stand to lower the noise
i will have it im my bedroom and i want as little noise as posible


you can use slip restant mats like the inder lays for NO slip carpeting.that will deaden some of the noise and vibrations. There will always be noise from it though but this will deaden it some.


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
you can use slip restant mats like the inder lays for NO slip carpeting.that will deaden some of the noise and vibrations. There will always be noise from it though but this will deaden it some.
Yep, I have fresh and saltwater in my house. If you have an air pump (not for salt) you can even use a pot holder. As far as the filters and sump go. Make sure the water level is where it should be. If it is high there should be little noise. There will be SOME noise. If you need silence to sleep then the bedroom is not the place for your tank. Some fish just make noise on their own!


i have no trouble sleeping with noise the thing is its always better having as little noise as possible than a lot
the fish noise i can bare with but the pump and skimmer etc
might be too much im not talking about major noise but like i said the lesser the better
So Michael do you recommend lip restant mats for getting rid of some noise
any other answers are welcomed


Originally Posted by aquaman2000
i have no trouble sleeping with noise the thing is its always better having as little noise as possible than a lot
the fish noise i can bare with but the pump and skimmer etc
might be too much im not talking about major noise but like i said the lesser the better
So Michael do you recommend lip restant mats for getting rid of some noise
any other answers are welcomed

What kind of system do you have going? The skimer is either in the tank or in the sump, either way it makes no noise. The only noise is the water flow. Which is what I was talking about before. The equipment is all in the water and makes no noise at all. Do you have a hang over the back filter or a sump/return filter?


well i have not set it up yet
I bought already the
over flow CPR 102
RP - Sequence 3600 Some noise
skimmer -- do not know if it will make noise
an in sump pump--sedra 5000
PH--- Mag 900
Im just waiting for some answers on the (DIY equip, Lights) board regarding the plumbing and ill be set to go
i have tested the sequence pump and it makes some noise this is why i started the thread
thanks for your time


if the pumps were dry they are much much noiseier than when they have water wunning in the and hooked up. and yes if you dont have it set up yet is you put the skid free stuff down where any vidrations might occur it will stop them I used to use phophate sponges for in tank pumps so they wouldnt vibrate.