Loud Snapping Noise Ahh


Active Member
Last night I heard a really loud crunching noise in my empty tank (as in no fish or coral, just sand and LR).. Hmm... Some tiems the heater bangs against the wall with the current but its a really light tapping sound. I wonder if I have a mantis shrimp!! Any suggestions on how to figure out besides taking the rocks apart?


Active Member
Would you compare the noise to the sound of a pebble being hurled at your tank?
Only one 'click' every so often?
El Pistol Maximo Shrimptaculious.


if u do have a mantis shrimp a good way to catch it is get a 2 liter bottle and cut the top off around the part where it is at it's widest, so like 3-4 inches from the top. flip the top upside down and put the top inside the bottom of the 2 liter and either tape it or silicon it. throw some food in the inside and lean it against your live rock. that way the shrimp can climb in but not out. that's how my friend catches it and he has had a few of these devils.


Active Member
ya, but im not sure if i even have anything, it actulley might have been the heater, but that is much quieter. And this one was really loud and made me jump and turn around, thinking the tank busted. But i've only heard it once last night.. i dunno.


Originally Posted by snailheave
can you draw a diagram?
i could but i wouldn't know how to post it onto this website


Active Member
draw it with program like paint, resize it to 500x500 and upload it here. i've seen my mantis shrimp and want to catch it.