Love my frogfish


Active Member
This little tyke is getting really used to me. When he/she sees me and is hungry it will put its lure out. It will swimm back and forth at the front of the tank. Man, it has one big mouth. Kept trying to eat my finger when I put it in front of its mouth today. Couldn't stop laughing.



Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
Nie Nice~ would one do okay in my 14 gal tnak? And how much do they run?
Some get pretty large. The one I have has tripled in size in the last 4 months. I wouldn't think a 14gl would hold it for long. I started this one in a 2gl pico, then to a 14gl, then 30gl and now a 50gl. Theya re pretty inactive except when it comes to eating which will include any fish it can fit in its mouth and all shrimp too. Consider that. Cost I am sure varies with color, place buying it and so on. I think I paid a bit over $50 local.


wow, that looks awesome. could you take a pic of it a little farther away? i want to see it in its environment.


Active Member
I love frogfish but we have not kept them successfully. We bought them from the same LFS and supplier.... gonna try again in the future with a different source.


hes got a great color patern! they have a red one at my LFS in the aussie scoly tank, his name is Bruiser


Active Member
Originally Posted by morval
hes got a great color patern! they have a red one at my LFS in the aussie scoly tank, his name is Bruiser
That's what I was after, a red one, or white one, but all the LRS was able to get me was a black one. I understand they change color to a certain extent, and this one has lightened a bit so far, but I don't see it changing much more. I don't know though. First one I have had.


Cool frogfish! I would love to have one one day! Good luck with it!


Active Member
my LFS has one and i want it sooooooooo bad you dont even know! its BRIGHT yellow and about an inch or 2 in lentgh this one happens to get i think it said 10 inches.
Its going for like $300
Anyways i heard that you cant feed them everyday cuz they will die or live shorter lives or something so your only supposed to feed them a couple times a week is this true??


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I think he looks purple. Be afun fish in a deepsea neo nano!
He had actually started black and from what I understand they change to the dominant colors of their surroundings, yes, he has been changing purple like the LR. I am hopeing he changed more.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bioneck47
What are you feeding him? Can get them to eat silversides?
Yes, it is eating about anything I wiggle in front of it including silversides, krill, etc. Even trys to eat my finger.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flricordia
He had actually started black and from what I understand they change to the dominant colors of their surroundings, yes, he has been changing purple like the LR. I am hopeing he changed more.
Definitely what I though looks like coraline. You should start a thread about rics, I got my first ones yesterday.