Low calcium kill snails?


I just noticed a few of my lg snails look dead. I checked all my water perameters, and the only reading that is low is calcium and mag. My calcium reads around 300, and mag at 1180. I know that is low so I did a water change but would that kill my snails?


Active Member
indirectly it could. a low Ca often is a sign of a high ALK. some snails can actualy be pretty sensitive. test your ALK. ever use any copper? sometimes snails are jsut lazy. smell them, if they are dead, you will know it immediatly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by CHEVCAM
I just noticed a few of my lg snails look dead. I checked all my water perameters, and the only reading that is low is calcium and mag. My calcium reads around 300, and mag at 1180. I know that is low so I did a water change but would that kill my snails?
I doubt that those were the only reasons for the snails death. It may have been a contributing factor.


Active Member
I would put the blame on your temperature. Snails are typically colder water creatures. I have the same problem and am going to install a chiller to keep my temp around 76. I can keep margaritas and turbos just fine in my other tank which maintains 76, but not in my reef which hovers around 82 as well.