Low Calcium


Active Member
I did a water change a week ago and my calcium is still low. Its at 340. Do i need to buffer? I have Aragamilk i can add. It says to add one drop per gallon. Im seeing some coralline on my LR finally but i still have a fair amount of algae. Clean up is doing a decent job. Im about to add more clean up i feel I dont have enough.
46 gallon bow
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 10
PH - 8.4
Ca - 340
Phos - 0
KH - 9.9
Alk - 3.54
SG - 1.023
How do these parameters look?
My clean up is...8 astreas, 5 nassarius, feather duster, emerald crab, 20 blue leg hermits.


Active Member
What is your magnesium level? Did you test that? That goes hand-in-hand with calcium when you are trying to get coralline growth.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
What is your magnesium level? Did you test that? That goes hand-in-hand with calcium when you are trying to get coralline growth.
Dont have a magnesium test yet. I guess its a good idea to go buy one.


Active Member
Calcium levels can be maintained best by the addition of kalkwasser in topoff water. However, you will either have to buy a dosing machine or construct your own as you can't just dump calcium into the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Calcium levels can be maintained best by the addition of kalkwasser in topoff water. However, you will either have to buy a dosing machine or construct your own as you can't just dump calcium into the tank.
So i cant get some kalkwasser and i mix it in with my next water change bucket? Im gonna do a 10% change on Tuesday.


Active Member
Well it won't hurt anything if you dump it all in at once, but it won't help anything either. I'm not sure as to why it needs to be dripped in slowly, but I am positive that it needs to be done that way. :confused:


Active Member
What brand name salt do you use? Oceanic has more calcium then most of the others. Just an FYI. :D


Active Member
Originally Posted by bigarn
What brand name salt do you use? Oceanic has more calcium then most of the others. Just an FYI. :D
I use Red Sea. No sense in switching. I hear switching may cause some issues.