Originally Posted by smarls
Nice tank.
I am not sure what Bush is keeping, but with under 1 watt a gallon (although I understand watts are not the most important raitng in lights) I would be surprised if any photosynthetic coral survives long term...let alone flourishes long term. I think it 1 watt per gallon is fine with non-photosynthetic corals, as long as you can provide them the food items they require, and are willing to do that on a regular basis.
You can keep Sun Corals, non-photsynthetic gorgs, etc in that light (you can actually keep them in no light and it is fine.) For the gorgs I would be very careful though, as the non-photsynthetic gorgs are notoriously hard to keep, and require a certain particle size of food, at a certain flow rate. etc.
I agree Sun Corals would be a good choice, as would some shrooms etc.
Also, if you place things like shrooms higher in the tank, closer to the light, they will do better than on the bottom of your tank. The normal FO light does not penetrate very far, so if you are going to try photosynthetic animals, keep them at the top.
Honestly though, I would suggest you hold of on corals until you get some new lights.
Thanks, Im thinking of going not photo, Iv'e been dosing with phyto plankton for the last week. Already new hitcher Feather dusters are popping up every where. One actually looks like a mini cocco worm--last night I noticed some tiny black ones. One is neon green with only the actnic on--it has grown from pin-head size to dime size in a week. Bad thing is, its only facinating with your face on the glass.