Low light corals?


Give me some names of corals that dont require that much light, and had some success with it. I have a 20gal. with 60w of lights which is low for a reef tank.
Corals that I have:
-blue mushroom
-feather dusters 3"dia.
-finger leather
But I'm looking for more corals that I can put into my tank, something that will dresses it up. I need colours in my tank!!!


Button polyps, and green star polyps and gorgonians. I have also had luck with some LPS, you could try a frogspawn. The sun coral should be OK, but I have heard that zoos like a little more light than what you have. Sponges, should also work, a small orange tree sponge would definately add some color. There are red and green mushrooms too, and I would check in to ricordea and frilly mushrooms. I have some nice frilly mushrooms that did well in a low light tank, they were purchased as "lavender rock". I have since upgraded my lights, and the frilly ones are doing well, but my blue ones migrated away from the light.
What is kelvin rating on your lights?
Best wishes...


My lights are 6500k plus getting adding one 24" actinic bulb this weekend. But thanks for the tips guys, I will look in to that.