low light host for clown?


:needhelp: Can anyone give me a suggestion on a low light host for (tank bred) Percula Clown? I have a 40gal 23inch high tank with 1 natural & 1 marine glo(20W) (50 lux) aquarium lamps. (it says ideal for salt water aquariums, corals, invertebrates)
Anyway I know my clowns dont need a host but it's so sad to see them loving on the magnet in the tank that I would really like to get them something else but dont have good lighting & dont plan to upgrade for at least a year. I have a Jawfish & have read that it's not a good idea to get an anemone plus I have a smaller tank. Thank you for any replies.


Active Member
How high is your rock formation?? To have any corals they will need to be close to the lights, even then you will want to stick with low light corals.
As far as a host, I have heard of clowns hosting in hairy shrooms but there is no guarantee. Even if you had the lighting for an anemone there is no guarantee the clown would host in it.


the live rock is about 16" in most places. Even if they dont end up hosting in it at least it'll look good. Any suggestions on low light corals?


Active Member
Sun corals, certain kinds of mushrooms...sun corals are actually prettyhard to take care of, and require hand feeding a couple of time a day. I would say you best bet is to save up and by some PC's, then you can safely keep a bunch of soft corals, and not have to worry about being restricted to only a couple of corals. Good Luck.