Is there such thing? My LGS mentioned a few that did not need MH or anything, but they didnt not or have or will have any corals like that... i just wantewd to see if it was real.
While all SPS don't need halides, T5 will be just as good, the only one I would do under anything less would be Montipora Capricornis. Don't expect crazy growth or coloration though.
monti caps and monti digitas... both can grow w/o mh... im sure you can grow them under vho or even pc's if they are like 7''/8''away from the bulbs
i say you are safe with that.. put it on the upper half and it should be ok... try a frag ... it should be ok imo... just dont let the tank get hotter than 85 deg... ohh and make sure your dont do too drastic with a tank soo small.. add a little of whatevery over time.. not all at once.. it's hard to do ( thats why i dontn have a nano.. i don't have the time/patience)
Originally Posted by ThaNgBom
monti caps and monti digitas... both can grow w/o mh... im sure you can grow them under vho or even pc's if they are like 7''/8''away from the bulbs
digis are one of the most light demanding corals. if there not up high under MH, good luck keeping their colors.
Like wango tango mentioned, I think a monti cap would be your best bet as "tester" first SPS coral. I have one under 130 watt PC in a 29 gallon and it is flourishing. Pretty rapid growth and the color is excellent. Here are some growth shots:
taken 7/10/2007:
well if they are that demending of light then guess im super lucky with mine then... they are about 20'' away from my t5's and it has grown 2x it's size over the 3 months i had it...