Sure, PC's would work great for them!
I'm having a hard time right now because I'm waiting for the refund tax check, and it's not getting here nearly fast enough!
I have all the money planned out on what I'm going to buy for my tanks. More LR, more PC lighting, then a clam after that, some more featherdusters, depending on how much is left over, maybe xenia or a hammer coral.....
This waiting is killing me!
I know that after all that, maybe a couple of months down the road, I'd like to set up a seahorse tank too. That means another tank! I also need to set up a tank for the freshwater angels I have, they're spawning again, and I'm getting the urge to raise the fry again! Wouldn't mind setting up a tank for some discus either! I also think my saltwater scissortail gobies are a pair......should set up a tank for them to see if they will spawn too........
I quit smoking a couple of years ago using the patch, I wonder if they make a patch for fish? LOL!