Low PH (Best way to Raise ?)


Have a newer tank (~2.5 months) and it has cycled. Can't seem to get the PH over 7.7. Assuming that it needs to be over 8.0 what is the safest way to raise it?


Active Member
ideally ph should be about 8.2-8.4 with 8.3 being the ph of the ocean if I can remember correctly. I use a ph buffer made by seachem that you can get at your LFS. Aragonite sand beds also help to buffer the ph levels.


Active Member
Have you performed any substantial water changes since the tank intially cycled ?
A cycling tank produces acids.
These acids accumulate in the new tank, during and after cycling.
The pH will most always drop on a newly set up tank.
In my opinion - the safest way to raise your tankwater's pH ( along with getting the tankwater chemistry balanced ) is by doing a series of water changes.
Once you find the pH stable and reading around 8.0 to 8.2 ~ there are many ways to maintain it.
Can you describe your tank set up in greater detail ?


Thanks COL, CBOYFAN, and BROOMER for your replies.
No, I have not tested ALK.
Did about a 20% water change a week ago when I brought the tank out of hypo (treating ick).
Tank Setup:
35G Hex, with undergravel filter & PH. 30# live rock with coral substrate. Milineum Bio filter. One remaining clown (sole survivor :-( of a few others)


I've also heard Baking soda will raise pH.
I've heard the same thing about baking soda. LFS told me about it. I haven't needed to try it yet, but in theory I think it should work. I also read this in a book. LFS told me that the first thing to try is a series of small water changes as the saltwater has a buffer in it.


Hi there...
One thing I would recommend is everyone to test the chemistry of there own tap water being used prior to adding salt etc. Water Changes will help with PH fluctuations. I also found when I used small amounts of the PH Buffer (Kent Marine Super Buffer) it also helped to stablize the PH and brings mine up to a perfect PH.
(less is more when livestock is in the tank...make changes gradually)..No PH shock for our Salt~Babies! GL ..MarSea:D