Low PH Help!


Active Member
ok i started a new thread.
my PH is 7.8 so i went and bought a calcium tester and had it tested at the LFS it was low, 240 so i bought two products.
first is Kent Liqiud Reactor and second is Tech CB part A and i bought part B. they LFS didnt know what the diff is and which i should get so i bought them both. what would you all recommend i use. Any help is appreciated!!!


Active Member
not sure if either one of those is a buffer but if or if not i would recommend using a ph buffer and raising the calcium
also i would test the alk. and make sure that is in order
is it a new tank or an established tank


Active Member
it is new, and alk is off the chart it seems. i have Kent superbuffer and it didnt seem to help yet so few ppl said check calcium and it is low....


Active Member
If this is a new tank ( less then a month old ) I wouldnt worry about Calcium. The tank is prob cycling abd the water will go through many changes before it stabilizes. As far as ph goes though, just dose as advised on the bottle until you hit your target. Make sue you test ph at the same time / conditions every time.HTH & good luck!


Active Member
wont i need to add the calcium to get the PH and hardness correct? this kinda confuses me. dont tell me i wasted 50 bucks ;)


Active Member
Yes ph, ca, alk are all closely related. Its just not that important to worry about them ALL being perfect if the tank is cycling. I would just keep my ph in line or as close as you can & worry about Ca, alk, mag after the water stabilizes more. After the tank has finished cycling do a 25% or so water change then test all your levels the next day & adjust/dose from there. Just IMHO, of course.
BTW - I just went through that whole process last month. It took me the entire month of sept to get my levels stable so be patient and dont worry about the details too much while the tank is cycling. Just think about your stocking list for when its done!



Originally posted by krowleey
what would you all recommend i use.

I use Tech A and B in my tank. been using it for about a month now. It works like a charm. As others have said, the tank is new, so dont worry too much about the levels yet.
This is what Tech A and B do. Tech A is a PH and Alk buffer. Tech B is the Calcium. Do make sure to follow the dosing suggested on the bottle. Also get a calcium and alk tester. Testing your alk and calcium after you start using the Tech A and B is important to make sure your not over/under dosing. You dont want to add these two in at the same time. I like to add Tech A (buffer) at night to prevent PH overshoots and then add the calcium in the morning.
Using the buffer, you can raise your alk to approx 12.5. When you raise your alk, then the amount of dissolved calcium in the water can also be increased to about 450 ppm. Without bringing your alk up, it will be difficult to get your calcium levels up. HTH



Originally posted by krowleey
wont i need to add the calcium to get the PH and hardness correct? this kinda confuses me. dont tell me i wasted 50 bucks ;)

I'd do some more reading on this. Calcium and PH shouldn't be an issue for you right now. Its a new tank, right? No fish, no coral? Just let the tank run, don't worry about calcium, alk, ph...just let the tank mature for 6 months.
Can I add a question to this? What if your KH is good (mine is an 11) but your pH is still low(7.7 - 7.8 here)? I don't want to keep dosing buffers because I'm afraid of making the water too hard.
My tank is also in the process of cycling. Only about a week and 1/2 in and my ammonia has yet to even spike. I'm not really all that worried about the PH now, but it IS in the back of my mind since it's not budging.


Active Member
they LFS didnt know what the diff is and which i should get
IMO, if they couldn't tell you this, then a new LFS would be TOP on my list. I agee though you are cycling, let it be for now and see what happens.


Active Member
problem is there is two LFS here and they both stink, one keeps maxima clams and all thier corals for sale under 4 65w pc's in a big tank, and they told me thats all they need. SO i prolly do all my reef shopping online except some dry goods i need right away. anyways im going to do a nice water change tonight might help my PH probs