Low pH!


Can someone please list anything that would have an effect on pH? My pH went from about 8.2 to 7.7 in a matter of a few days.
salinty: 1.024
temp: 78
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0

mr. tuna

Active Member
do you have a ph buffer?
and.. there are ph changes that naturally occur, but it shouldnt have droped your ph that low.
Have you done anything in your tank recently?


The only things that have been done is a water change last sunday and I added three turbo snails and an emerald crab monday.


Did you take the readings at the same time of day? ph lowers through the night and rises during the day (or whenever you have your lights on and off).


I've measured it in the morning, midway through the light cycle, and right before the lights go off in the evening. It stays right about 7.7 the entire day.


Active Member
Are you using a testkit or monitor?
I would check the kit or the calibration of the monitor before I buffered the tank..


Active Member
you must check your calcium and alkalinity readings.
ph,cal, and alk are all interelated. if you ph is low im willing to bet your alk is also low. alk directly buffers ph to help your tank from going through ph swings.
if you want a product that will take care of both for you try seachems 8.3 buffer. it will regulate your ph with regular use in your topoff water and help maintain your alk as it has a dose of that as well. do a search on the three and you will find info. look for broomer and the head honchos, they have discussed it many a time.


Well-Known Member
ph drops are started by the presence of carbon dioxide. Hence the dependancy on the time of day. Just before lights off, highest (lowest carbon dioxide), just before lights on lowest (highest carbon dioxide).
So if you are not consuming carbon dioxide with lights on the ph will remain low. You might try building up your plant life.


I'm using a test kit for my pH. The crab and snails are still alive.What are good readings for alk and calcium? I going to pick up some test kits tomorrow morning and test them.


Active Member
as kip said i agree...
i would add that without corals its not such a big deal but it will add to the overall health of your tank to maintain stable levels of calcium 400 and alk 9-11. kip gave a level to shoot for if you are keeping corals.
to high of and alk will inhibit calcerous organisms from properly using the calcium to create calcium carbonate which is their skeleton/shell. to low of an alk will create buffering problems with your ph and obviously not allow for proper growth of organisms.
since your ph is out of wack get the other two tested. im willing to bet they are off.