Low PH


Just recalibrated my PH monitor ( American Marine ) and found the PH is running a little bit low ( 7.8-8.0 ) and would like to get it up to 8.2-8.3. What is the best thing to add to get PH up? I have Kent's Superbuffer to get up the DKH but it doesn't really say if it raises PH too. If i use this to get PH up is it possible to get the DKH too high?


Active Member
If i use this to get PH up is it possible to get the DKH too high?
Yes, very possible. Test your alkalinity... If the alkalinity is low you can add superbuffer to bring the alk up. Also test the calcium. You may need to also adjust your calcium. A balance needs to be maintained between all and calcium so monitor them both.