Low PH


Well-Known Member
That pH isn't an emergency, and may not be a problem at all. What is your bioload? What time of the day did you measure the pH? What kind of water do you use to top-off? What is your pH usually? Has anything died, or disappeared, lately? How often, and how much, do you change water? These are the typical causes of lowered pH, although you haven't convinced me that it is really low at this point. Repeat the measurement several times during the day.


Thanks! I measured the day after a 25 gallon water change.........my amonia had been high. Usually the PH is 8.2. I will measure again. What is bio


Active Member
I wouldn't even consider that to be low. As long as it doesn't swing too much I wouldn't worry about it at all.


Active Member
its not being low that is the worry, its stability.
your ph will fluctuate normally with your lights going on/off.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Becky913
Thanks! I measured the day after a 25 gallon water change.........my amonia had been high. Usually the PH is 8.2. I will measure again. What is bio
it sounds like your tank is still cycling?
If so i wouldnt do anything until it done! I hope you dont have any fish or corals if so.
need a little more info...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I agree.
I agree with him agreeing in any form of agreeance<I think I just invented a word.


Nope, agreeance is not a new word. 'Whether you agree or not, the North American editor of the Oxford English Dictionary says Limp Bizkit singer Fred Durst's use of the word "agreeance" was correct at the Grammys last month.' from nbc4.tv


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kelly
Nope, agreeance is not a new word. 'Whether you agree or not, the North American editor of the Oxford English Dictionary says Limp Bizkit singer Fred Durst's use of the word "agreeance" was correct at the Grammys last month.' from nbc4.tv

heck there goes my reputation for being stupid all shot to hell by proper use of a word, darn.....