Low salt content in our main tank....


Ok,here is a run down.We just got this used tank on last monday.We used the water that came out and all.Well when we get it home and started running all the test on it and the salt wasn't even showing up.So we thought the thing wasa broke....until we mixed our own salt up for a water change and it showed up perfect.Well we did the water chhange and it showed up a smalll amount.Now it isn't showing up anymore but our qt/hospital is showing up perfect.Why are we having this problem?We have about 85lbs of and about an 1 1/2 to 2 in of ls.1 perc clown,1serpent starfish,snails,crab's.And it is a 75gl.Any help will be apperciated.TIA! O,by the way we are using R/O WATER..

sinner's girl

Let's see if I follow, the sg in your 75gl tank that you just bought isn't showin up, but when you mix new salt you can see the sg level?
1. Are you sure there is salt in the water?
2. what are you using to test with?
IMO, have lfs test your water,
If the water you're mixing shows correctly, yet the water in the tank doesn't registor, then I would think the sg in the tank is too low, in which case that would be deadly to anything in the tank...and they would be dead, I'd think...so...ummmm :notsure:


Active Member
Yeah, I agree with Sinner's Girl. Have your LFS check your water. Also, a refractometer is a good thing to consider if you are still using a hydrometer.


Yep, you are following......I just took another reading.My qt tank =1.021 and my main tank is 1.017{barely}and in my clean trash can where I have my salt mixed up it is1.020.I will have to try to take a sample tomm.I live 40 mile's from the nearest fish store.What can I do to get it up and why is it that it is fine in the trash can but once we did a water change it is gaone again?Are my number's right? :thinking: :notsure: :help:

sinner's girl

do you have fish in your main tank? Please tell me the stars aren't in there.
IMO, your sg is WAY, WAY too low in your main tank. If you don't have fish/inverts, just mix some high salt water and raise the sg...if you do have fish/inverts....I'd say do it slowly...but it's deadly low...
best guess is you did a water change without adding salt? (I did that once, I also added salt to the top off water once...opps...caught the mistake in time).
Move the star to the qt? but that might stress it more...you've got to raise the sg, but if you do it drastly, you could do more damage....


Well,I know that we added salt cause it was our first time to ever do it...lol.But when we got the tank home and check it there was no slt then.We thought the thing was broke.Cause we are sooooo new to this.Well now we are woundering what was going on cause we found out something's that the guy was not honest about.But whaat cause the water not to have salt in it?Not having a water change in awhile?I will do another water change tomm.We are really worried and want evrything to work out ok.My star is acting normal.I just checked on him{he is my fav
}.Thanks for your help.


Originally Posted by BettyM
Well,I know that we added salt cause it was our first time to ever do it...lol.But when we got the tank home and check it there was no slt then.We thought the thing was broke.Cause we are sooooo new to this.Well now we are woundering what was going on cause we found out something's that the guy was not honest about.But whaat cause the water not to have salt in it?Not having a water change in awhile?I will do another water change tomm.We are really worried and want evrything to work out ok.My star is acting normal.I just checked on him{he is my fav
}.Thanks for your help.
If the salt is registering in your qt and your water change, but not in your display, I wouldn't think your meter is broken, I think the salt is dangerously low in your tank. I would seriously, start raising it, slowly, but enough to ease your fish, if it is at 1.017 bring it up throughout the course of the day by .02 points, slowly dripping all day. Also, did you test how much salt was in the first change you did? The directions are not always correct, you have to test it before adding it to the tank to be sure. Also, salt does not evaporate, the salt level will rise if you don't top it off with fresh water, this is not the problem. The Star will suffer extensively with low salt content. I do hope all works out for you, please post all water levels. Salinity, Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, Ph. These guys will help.

sinner's girl

What can I do to get it up and why is it that it is fine in the trash can but once we did a water change it is gaone again
When you mix it at a higher sg, and add it to water of a lower sg, the sg of the tank will raise, but won't be as high as the water you added. Make sense?
Well,I know that we added salt cause it was our first time to ever do it...lol
What was the sg of the water you mixed to add to the tank? If it was too low, that would cause the sg in the main tank to drop.
The star won't show signs of stress right away, trust me on this. Keep a close on him. It may even be a few weeks before you see a problem with the star. Depending on how long the sg has been this low, and how slow you raise it.
IME, what would cause this is if the guy did water change with just water, and forgot to add the salt, or did the water change a lower sg than the tank, not adding top off water would make the sg high, not low. Not doing a water change would just mean possible high nitrates... Did you test the water before moving the tank? (wondering if water was lost and ro water was added in place of saltwater...). If the fish/inverts have been at alow sg for awhile, they are used to it, but it's still stressful.
HOWEVER, please have lfs test your water or buy another test (even if you just take it back)
My qt tank =1.021 and my main tank is 1.017
Both levels are DEADLY to stars and inverts. Slowly raise your sg up to 1.025 or so, if you do it too fast, you'll shock the star... mix your water, let it sit, I'd mix it higher than 1.017, but I don't know how much higher.
I had to slowly raise my sg level, I mixed salt to my top off water at the sg I wanted, so about a gallon a day, I guess? I think I also did a water at a higher sg. I really don't remember. Please do a search on the proper way to raise the sg.
Good luck, if the fish/inverts show signs of stress, keep the lights off.