Lowering nitrate levels


I have a 12 gallon, All my levels are good the nitrate level is 40 ppm, It said in my book that that is ok but I'm not sure. I have seen other people with smaller levels. Will a water change do the trick or should I add something to the tank?


Active Member
with a nano tank, water changes are very very important, so is stocking lightly and feeding lightly.
If you could list everything in your tank, equimpment, rock, livestock, and also what you feed, how much you feed and how often you feed.
Do you use Tap water?


With a nano tank yes it is very important to do regular water changes and that will for sure help your higher nitrate readings you may just be a little over loaded or over feeding which may be the cause. So i would recommend 10 to 20 % water changes weekly and should help thoug I would find the source which will also help ha understand where its coming from if you use tap that could be the source as well.


I am feeding twice a day like I was told but not too much. I spot feed my anemone and I only feed what my clown can eat in a minute plus a few pellets for the scavengers. Is that too much. I am doing a partial change today.


Active Member
Yeah, I would feed every other day at the most, anemones do not need to be fed every day, maybe twice a week, the clowns every other day once a day at the most.


I feed every other day all my fish are very fat & happy and since I chaged from feeding everyday to this nitrates did drop. If you have a reef tank they will get food etc from the reef it self which will help them to.