LPS all receding



All of the LPS in my tank have flesh receding or they are not opening as much as they normally do. All other corals seem to be doing fine. I have a few SPS and some softies. Just tested all of my water parameters and all come back fine. They are as follows:
ph-- 8.2
Amm. -- 0
Nitrite -- 0
Nitrate -- 0
Phos. -- 0
Alk. -- 9 dkh
cal. -- 360
I know the calcium is a little low. I had run out of supplement and am bringing it back up now.
Stock list is:
3 green chromis
2 percula clowns
1 foxface
1 mandarin dragonette
1 coral banded shrimp
snails and hermits
few mushrooms
two zoo colonies
pavona frag
monti cap
monti digitata
alveapora -- not opening as far as normal
frogspawn -- not opening as far as normal
2 candy cane colonies -- both show tissue recession with skeleton showing
acan sub -- tissue recession
75 gal tank, 30 gal sump/fuge, skimmer, Nova extreme 8-bulb T5 lighting. I have no ideas. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cmaxwell39
All of the LPS in my tank have flesh receding or they are not opening as much as they normally do. All other corals seem to be doing fine. I have a few SPS and some softies. Just tested all of my water parameters and all come back fine. They are as follows:
ph-- 8.2
Amm. -- 0
Nitrite -- 0
Nitrate -- 0
Phos. -- 0
Alk. -- 9 dkh
cal. -- 360
I know the calcium is a little low. I had run out of supplement and am bringing it back up now.
Stock list is:
3 green chromis
2 percula clowns
1 foxface
1 mandarin dragonette
1 coral banded shrimp
snails and hermits
few mushrooms
two zoo colonies
pavona frag
monti cap
monti digitata
alveapora -- not opening as far as normal
frogspawn -- not opening as far as normal
2 candy cane colonies -- both show tissue recession with skeleton showing
acan sub -- tissue recession
75 gal tank, 30 gal sump/fuge, skimmer, Nova extreme 8-bulb T5 lighting. I have no ideas. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

How old are the bulbs? I don't think the Ca being a little low would do it. Have you checked very closley for pests? Red bug ect...


Bulbs are only a few months old, got the whole fixture in June of this year. I have not seen any bugs of any sort, will check closer, but I have also not added anything new to the tank in a month to six weeks. Last addition was actually a black & white percula clown. No corals have been added since early August.


did your PH go down then back up? The reason I ask is my green waving hands started to dye off and so did another one of my coral. I found out that my PH had dropped to 7.8 from 8.3.


I normally only check ph once a week. It has been stable for as long as I can remember. Always running 8.2 to 8.3.


Active Member
What is your salinity?
I would have a fellow reefer or your LFS recheck all of your levels to make sure your tests are accurate.


I guess I forgot to mention salinity and temp when listing parameters. Sorry about that. Salinity 1.025 (refractometer) and temp is about 80.


I guess my other question is why is whatever is wrong only affection the LPS and not the softies or SPS?


Hadn't run any for a while so I threw some in yesterday when I noticed the problem. Will leave it in for a week and see if that helps. Thanks.


Active Member
Remember that softies are more prone to release spores that will clear out any and sometimes all other corals in the tank as a way of making room for themselves. When they release pheromone, it sometimes wipes out those that are either closer to it or within the direction of the current when it releases it. Not saying that is what happened, but a possibility.


The only softies that I have are two colonies of zoos, two different kinds of mushrooms, and some green star polyps. Nothing is close to them and yet it seems like all of the LPS are affected throughout the whole tank. I am hoping that it is some sort of chemical warfare and carbon will help, but I am not sure that that is it, especially since it does not seem to be affecting the monti's or the pavona at all. Anyone else have any other ideas?


Just an update. I don't think that any of the corals have any more flesh receding, and they may be making a slow recovery. I may end up losing one colony of Candy Canes, but everything else seems to at least be holding it's own or making some slight improvements. Thanks for all the help.


Active Member
r u running a fuge w cheato? it tends to keep ur ph more stable if u run one since the light turns on at night opposite ur dt.


Yes I am running a fuge with cheato and my fuge light is on opposite my main lights.