LPS and water flow


On another thread someone posted that water flow will dictate how far an LPS extends is sweeper tentacles. I have a large galaxia that is defying logic in terms of how far it is extending its tentacles. With the flow post in mind I might have found my problem. The galaxia is on my DSB. I have three SPS directly above the galaxia (1/2 to 3/4 of the way up the rockwork). There are three PH near the galaxia bc of the SPS. Could this be causing the sweeper tentacles to be extending like they are?


Active Member
On another thread someone posted that water flow will dictate how far an LPS extends is sweeper tentacles.
I highly doubt this. Maybe which direction, not length, that depends on the spieces.
I have a large galaxia that is defying logic in terms of how far it is extending its tentacles.
Ah, long sweepers for these.
This could mess up any SPS close enough.


So should I lower the amount of flow in the galaxia's general direction? Right now I have a PH pointed right at it (flow from right to left) and the sweepers are fighting the flow and trying to sting my hammer. I have moved it as far away from the hammer as possible. Right now it seems to be far enough away but I thought the same thing the first two times I moved it left.


Active Member
The sweepers could get upto 10/12". You should move corals accordingly. SPS will surely die in this war. The hammers are not as long, but still quite long. Can you put 1 in one corner and the other in the other corner? Then the SPS can stay in the middle.
I don't even know what size foot print your tank has.:rolleyes: :notsure: :D


Standard 90 gallon tank. The SPS are fine it is the hammer that is losing the war.
The galaxia is about 8-10 inches away from the hammer with strong current keeping it at bay. I was using logic positioning the PH but when I read that other post it got me thinking.
Thanks for your help