LPS ID. what is this?


Active Member
ok not a species ID.
I would call it sick
degenerative tissue = abundant
exposed skeleton some sort of "brain" <can you think of any thing more obscure? sorry lower flow, medium light, feed tentacles if you see them. (these are guesses based on your picture.) dont let it sit in a low/no flow area it can lead to detritus realted hydrogen sulfide release (further killing sick flesh) low but not no flow...... erghh explaining it is so difficult.


where are you looking??? there is no exposed skeleton except on the outside of the coral. no tissue damage whatsoever.


I agree Symphyllia.
Good pic for ID by the way these can be difficult when people take bad pics.
I do see plenty of exposed skeleton though. Not uncommon if recently handled or placed in a high flow area. I would shade it an area of low flow to promote polyp inflation for a few days. Sometimes intense lighting will cause these suckers to deflate, decreasing surface area, which then causes the sharp skeleton to puncture the flesh. Overall neat coral. I dont think there are and serious problems with it.


i watched the coral for a week before i got it because of those. i thought the previous poster was pointing out all the "bumps" on the coral itself. i dont consider 5 or 6 spines "excessive" and making this a very sick coral.
its under PC's now in a nanocube so it's not getting blasted with light or flow :)
it eats anything that touches it too....