LPS Selection


Active Member
Here is the setup for my tank. My tank has 150 lbs of Figi LR, and soon to have 250 lbs of SD playsand. As for fish I will have a pair of CR Common Clowns, 2 Purple Firefish, a Mandarin in a year or so, a Yellow Tang, and a Coral Beauty. As for lights, I have a 155W HQI 10K and 4 36W 50/50s. So, can I keep LPS? If I can, what ones do you suggest. I've done FO and FOWLR, but never Reef, so help me out here.

richard rendos

Active Member
EelfreakRobi - pay attention...the question was could he keep LPS (not SPS). just kidding.....and yes I think you could keep LPS under those lights. Brains/hammers/torches/bubbles/etc.