LR and a dead shrimp now what?


here's what i ended up doing. i tested my water again tonight and i got the same exact numbers for the last 5 days. i went ahead and threw a RAW shrimp in there to get this thing kick started. i will be adding LR on friday. i think the experienced people on this board need to specify from now on to throw a RAW shrimp in the tank and not a shrimp cocktail. a shrimp cocktail is a boiled shrimp ready to serve, a RAW shrimp is exactly that. as a newbie, i got alot of good help, but at the same time i should have been doing alot more of my own thinking rather than blindly following some of the posts on this board. the past 2 weeks have been a complete waste, so now i basically have to start over again.


A raw Shrimp or a Cocktail Shrimp are both fine to use. You can even use regular fish food to cycle (feeding imaginary fish).
All you need to do is add something to the SWT so that will introduce ammonia and thus start the cycle..
Your two weeks of cycling didn't show a high ammonia spike, which sometimes happans when using LiveSand and Cured LiveRock. Adding another Shrimp is fine will introduce more ammonia for a higher ammonia spike possibly.
You didn't waste your time, you just didn't have a high ammonia spike. It could take up to 60 days for a cycle to complete.......I know my 55gal took that long.
This is the Aquarium 101 thread that was mentioned


here's my point...the test results did not have a change in the last 6 days (that includes amm, nitrites, nitrates). you have to admit, there is something strange about that. hopefully, the new shrimp and the LR (tomorrow) will jump start my tank.


That is what I went through with my 55gal, and it took 2 months before the spikes and nitrates appeared. Hope you have good luck with the added shrimp and LR...........


Ok, I threw in another shrimp (actually 2) but now the dead shrimp are moving. Really they are they started out by the front edge of the aquarium and one is below the LR and the other one has moved back about two inches.
Ok, I know dead shrimp don't move but are they light enough to be moved by the power head I just installed?



Originally posted by hydro
where did you get LR?????????????is it cured......?????????

At a lfs that specializes in fish and birds, mostly bird though, and the clerk (owner) said it was not cured and that it would be perfect for the initial cycle. Ammonia is going up at a steady rate, so I am not concerned, and still no nitrites, or nitrates.
Weird by the way the second shrimp is now under the LR as well.

Originally posted by Caillou
Waiting is the hardest part. Relax, don't try to rush it. I'd be planning a list of everything you want to put in the tank. You've got 3 -4 weeks of waiting ahead of you. You could possibly add something before but why risk it. This is the foundation of what you're tank is to be built on.

Dont think of the time as a waste. you added LR and sand.. thats a good start and is just that A START. If you need clarification on anything, just ask, i am sure someone will explain more in depth... just dont take anything personal, I find that newbi's take things as mean, but people are just trying to be thorough... by asking questions from you and explaining in detail..
Happy Fishin' Kim
and WELCOME! :cheer:


Day 15 Results:
Seems like the LR that I added last night kicked my cycle into full gear. What kind numbers should I be looking for as far as ammonia spikes go?
Just wanted to say that the LR that came from this site was great, it had all types of little plants and whatnot on it.


Way to go Zen hopefully I won't be too far behind.
However now I definetely know there has to be a critter in my LR, the dead shrimp moved at least three times and the last time I saw the dead shrimp it was on top of the LR looking preety mangled. it is gone now.
My question is how do I know this thing which I have not seen won't eat anything else I put in once the tank cycles? and what can I do try to get it out?
HAve you heard any clicking sounds?? Maybe a mantis shrimp? If it is, hopefully the cycle will kill it...
OR take an empty coke bottle or spring water bottle and cut the drinking part off and ivert it back into the bottle.. then put it in the tank at night with a fresh piece of shrimp in it...
whatever is eating the shrimp will go into the bottle and wont be able to get out.. TRAP IT!.. If you find its something that wont be harmful to live animals or coral.. let it go...
Good luck, Kim


i am wondering if it just isn't the curent in your tank that has been moving it. i know mine moved and there was nothing but sand in it.
anyway, does anyone have some idea of exactly how high my ammonia should spike?



Originally posted by zenway9
i am wondering if it just isn't the curent in your tank that has been moving it. i know mine moved and there was nothing but sand in it.
anyway, does anyone have some idea of exactly how high my ammonia should spike?

That's what I thought at first but when both shrimp ended up in the same place under the rocks. and then on top of the rock, it gave me a suspicion. I am going to try the trap suggested above.
and see what happens.


Day 15 Results:
Day 17 Results:
Ammonia 1.0
Looks like things are finally falling into place here. That LR really kicked things into high gear and the end is in sight. Does anyone have any further info, suggestions, etc.?