After having my 72 Gallon marine tank with about 65 lbs of LR empty of fish for about a month, I added a Blue Tang, and a piece of Open-Brained Coral (a beautiful green). I am adding a calcium supplement to the water once a week as per the instructions of my LFS. The problem is the Tang died after about 8 days in the tank. He had no sign of Ich, slime or unusual markings on his body. Could this be attributed to stress, or a weak specimen. Also should I be feeding the LR, and coral anything besides the calcium? How long would you reccomend to keep the lighting on daily. I usually keep the lights on in the tank for about 8 to 10 hours a day. Ph/Alk/ammonia/nitrates/nitrites are perfect.
Water temperatures fluctuate between 80-82 degrees. Salinity 1.025. Any help will be appreciated!
Water temperatures fluctuate between 80-82 degrees. Salinity 1.025. Any help will be appreciated!