LR ane aptasia


Just picked up some LR from someone who is breaking down there tank and moving. Unfortuantely, there is some aptasia on the rocks that i don't want in my tank (needless to say). What is the best plan of attack? They are sitting in a makeshift qt tank now.
1) keep them in the qt tank with a high SG (if so what range)
2) keep them in the qt tank with a low SG (if so what range)
3) take them out of the water and let them sit out for a few days, killing anything that may be on the rocks
4) blasting them with a 1600psi powerwasher in the back yard (don't laugh, I have done this once before when fighting a miserable long hair algae problem)
Please help.


I had the same problem a couple weeks ago with 1 aiptaisa on 1 rock.I finally removed the rock out of the aquarium.Then boiled me some water and squirted it in the hole.I done this for 10 or so minutes.I have not seen the bugger since.I put up a post a couple weeks ago and the helpful people suggested kalkwasser paste to burn it up.Also peppermint shrimp to eat them up.Hope this helps ya


I would try the kalk paste and syringe or boiling water and syringe before I added any lemon juice or anything like that. ( I have never heard of lemon juice though thats a new one) and get a couple pepperment shrimp to that might eat on them as well. but will only eat the smaller ones.


I have them sitting in a tank with 1.014 SG (uncycled). I quickly set up a qt tank. I tried blasted it with boiling water. Will do that again and see what happens. I will report back.


I put bout 1/2 vinegar and 1/2 water in a cup -- microwaved till boiling, took out the rock and squirted the f***er.
did the same to a smaller one too only I left that rock in the tank -- if you are quick the solution wont get too cold


How come it is all right to discuss ways to murder and mutilate some creatures like aptasia but if someone so much as mentions cycling a tank with damsels ,keeping a clam with what some think is inadequate light, placing a tang in too small of a tank or even keeping certain other types of anemones then they get flamed and treated like idiots. Perhaps someone should make a list of what animals should be preserved, loved and respected at all costs and the ones that can be murdered alive at will. This would make it much easier for the new hobbyist to avoid certain pitfalls on this board. The perceived comfort of some creatures is so much more important than the lives of others, beautiful.


some people do keep them in a seperate tank and let them grow the problem is that when they are in a closed system and start to mutiply the do quickly and wipe the tank out completely. this is one of the creatures that dont have a place in a reef tank because of the damage that they will do on other corals. in the wild the have miles and miles to spread and grow and things in the wild eat them to keep there numbers in check in our tanks that isint the case and they will wipe out the coral tank in a short period of time.
to me everything has a place and these guys its in the ocean not in a reef tank with other corals that they will kill.