LR Coming tomorrow


buying my lr tomorrow from lfs, anybody with tips on what to look for on the rock? I am a newb when I comes to all these coral lines and things.

sinner's girl

Find pieces you like, think about how you want them in your tank, pick pieces with lots of color and growth, I like smaller pieces, but that's me.


When you say color, do you mean like pinks, yellows, and greens, or do you mean dark colors? I agree about the smaller pieces...they can be arranged into caves alot better.

sinner's girl

I like purple, coral line color, pinks and purples. You might want to look for pieces that have creatures on them, feather dusters, ect. We got a cool crab once, he never came out of his rock but would eat raw shrimp. One day Sinner dipped the rock in fresh water, crab still didn't come out, then he broke the rock in half...I don't remember what it was or happened to it.
Sometimes you can get baby stars on your rocks. we got some and didn't know what they were till later.
I go for interesting pieces rather than 'rock' shape all depends on what you want. Have fun!


Thanks for the help... I am getting ready to go the rock now. Hopefully I can find some with some cool creatures on it.