lr cover in brown algea

my lr rock is cover in a brown algea. it looks like a thin blanket over top of my lr, its collecting air bubble under it, just woundering if i should treat it or if it will go away after a while..?????? thanks


Active Member
How long has your tank been established? It's possible that it is diatom (brown) algae. This is normally expected in new tanks and will go away. Can't explain the bubbles though. Do you have a picture?


Active Member
Earlybird I think you should change your subtitle to ready but waiting. I think your readier than 90% of people who dive into this hobby/
i have a digital camera, but no USB cord to download pics yet, but yes my tank in fsirly new , iam going on 2 months now, just got done cycling 2 weeks ago.... so it should probably go away, huh????


Active Member
Yeah it will go away. It is 100% normal and a good sign. It will go away on its own but you can add a clean up crew to aide in its removal. I still can't explain the air bubbles though, can anyone else chime in on this?
I'm so ready just waiting for my salt to come in and then a few finishing touches and a "dry run" with fresh water and pumps for 48 hrs and if all is good to go I'll be ordering my live rock.

aztec reef

Active Member
yeah it will defenitly go away, its' the first algea bloom that your going throug. just keep up the waterchanges make sure you have a 15x (the least)turnover rate per hour,(flow) also that cleaner crew will for the bubbles it is normal sometimes, it just probably that those spots are stagnet areas..
okay cool.. right no i have a maxi jet 1200 in my 55 gal , yo uthink i shoud get another one????, it on the side blowing across the tank...

aztec reef

Active Member
yeah, that will be great! just make sure you don't direct point it at corals, and that your not blowing the substrate all over..