LR for sale in CA...


I have some LR for sale in Ca. Fresno to be exact. It's has been curing for the past three weeks. If you want pictures please leave me your email address. I would prefer not to ship if possible, but will at buyers expence...


I have about 20-25 lbs of LR. If you want pictures of it please post your email address for me, thanks. I am thinking about $4 /lb. It's already cured, looks great.
Hey! How's the new tank coming along? Are you almost done with the cycle yet? Last I were still going through the ammonia stage.
What else are you still needing for that tank of yours?


Active Member
its going great, i already have 2 firefish and 3 chromises. Added 2 featherdusters, the cleaner shrimp and the tube anomie from my 15. Probably going to get some low light coral like mushrooms and polyps for the 55.
Hair Algae is driving me crazy in the 15 gallon, until i get rid of that i cant put any coral in the tank, its a shame since its chinese new years and im gonna get a lot of $$$. I guess i'll have to wait it out.
Hows your Green Star Polyps going? Open yet?
6th ave now sells macro algae, one is red and one is green, i havent found the name of them yet
Yeah, I saw the same things at 6th Avenue...I was going to pick the red one until I saw the same ones growing on some of my own live rock...just not as complete. Sooooo, I will save that $10 and be patient for my own to grow.
Nah..those polps never came out. I got some yellow polps from a local guy in Tracy and those are doing really well. I also got some regular star polps with a cabbage coral that I bought from 6th avenue.
I will try to get that tank pic posted but my digital camera is acting funny these days. I will keep working on it though. I have some calupera that I got from my brother-in-law and want to get them bigger. Maybe we can trade since I do remember you got some feather calupera, right?


Active Member
the feather i have in my 15 seems to de dieing, i think the hair algae is winning the battle, i just got a intank fuge and i put some of the macro in there, hopefully it will grow in the 55. I'll tell you when its harvesting time :D, i might get that grape looking macro.