LR from came today.


Definately colorful. Kind of small pieces. 14 of them for 50 pounds. Got 8 pieces for 50 pounds from a LFS last week but...more colorful. The LFS had a lot more growth. The wife was home when it came. It's a new tank cycling.
She did me a favor and put it in. Thanks honey! I also got 80 pounds of LS with this order to go on top of 160 pounds of sand.
WHY DIDN'T SHE PUT THIS IN ???!!!? It was still sitting in the shipping container.
At least she was gone with the kids. All fixed. Carpet is wet and my socks are soaked but it is done.
FYI LS from is not just sand, it is full of large chunks of stuff, crushed shells and stuff. I had a nice bed of fine sand and liked it. But I guess it will all get mixed up anyway. When she gets home I will be nice. She tried!


LOL re: wet carpet & wet socks! I've finally learned to go with ceramic tile, bikini tops & bare feet! With your sand, IME, the larger pieces will sift to the top.:)


Active Member
I'll second that the pieces will settle to the top. I'm about ready to scoop all of the big pieces off the top, just getting ugly. I'm going to drop all the pieces i pick out into my fuge since it is mostyl hidden from view, and the pieces make good homes for pods.


40 peeps read this. 1 responded. Thanks luvnluk!
Has anyone else ordered LR or LS frome here?
IMO the LFS LR was way better. Much more life on it.
Not to bash. More $ but way better. Next time.

chef jaysen

Just saw lr today at the lfs for 3.99 a pound. All of it. Figi, florida something with a k and some others. Yes. No.......I dont have any extra cash.........shot......welcome to my


New Member
I got the same stuff as you did. Maybe we are too impatient with wanting to stuff. I'm going to wait afew days and see what happens. If nothing then SWF will hear from me.


Definately wait. It takes time but I will say the stuff from the LFS was better. More expensive but much more life. You can tell the dif between the rock in the tank.
I know it will all be covered with stuff eventually but us new bees need satisfaction NOW.
The rock was ok for the price, don't get me wrong. Very colorful.
As for the LS... disappointed.
I had 80 pounds of dead aragonite and 80 pounds of natures oceans LS sand.
I loved the sand. Very fine.
The LS was not sand. It was more like LCR & SCC w/ALS.
( live crushed rock & some crushed coral w/ a littlle sand)
I know it will all sort itself out with the little stuff setteling down to the bottom but if I had to do it all over again I would go with all sand. No crushed anything. Just sand.