LR from the Ocean?


Active Member
it's sold at both home depot and lowe's here for about five bucks i think. it's more expensive than your regular stuff. white bag with blue print on it last time i bought it. one bag goes a really, really long way. to make it look real, use mostly crushed coral. the cement is just a glue type deal, a finer sand mixture to hold the crushed coral together. if it's a support rock then make it out of the cement, let it set up a bit and press or roll it in the cc. that'll make the center harder and the piece stiffer. for the rock salt, i use the ice cream machine stuff, it's the biggest pieces i can find.
i mostly make flat shelf pieces myself as you can't really find those naturally.


you think you can post a few pics of the stuff you made so i can get a better idea??