LR Gunk


Active Member
When putting my LR into my tank i didnt inspect it to closely. In the picture i included the area im worried about is in the bottom left corner of the hole. The LFS said it was a type of Sea Squirt. I am a newbie and have no idea what it is. The black and white, gunky matter is soft to the touch, and has a mucous like look to it.
If the quality is good enough and you can tell what it is, can anyone please tell me if this crap is beneficial or if i should scrub it off ASAP.:confused:


Its probably dead sponge or something like that, its not very uncommon to have that on lr and it will disapear by decay or your hermitts will eat it. I have noticed my hermits eating some of my goop and its almost all gone. The only reason I left mine on is because i was too lazy to scrub it off. if your not to lazy then go ahead and scratch it off, but its not bad to leave it on


I did the same as Steve40. I was too afraid to scrub it off, but now that I have researched it is probably a dead sponge, it will go away or like Steve said the hermits will clean it up.