looking for healthy live rock or base rock (formilly live) that can beat the local $5 pound her for barely decent lr, i live in lexington. will buy in large quantities if avalible.
thx travis~~
Travis, by any small chance, do you have anything for a refugium - algae? I need some and wanted to see if anyone in Ky has them and is willing to part with some.
ohhhhh ohhh i know just the thing, have you ever heard of "Just Fish" it is a very nice i mean VERy nice store that sell sat and fresh fish/supplies/coral etc. but he has a very mature fuge. in the fuge is very nice alge, donno what the name is but its Perfect for a fuge. ask him if you can buy some. i know he pruns it acationaly and he sells it. gotta try for that. hope i heped,
I heard of Just Fish by nicholasville rd -- haven't been there yet. A fish store in Louisville gave me a handful! For free!! But I need just a little more, friend has Refugium too!
yeah trake a good look at just fish, so its expensive and he is kindoff a stuck up smart guy (he realy knows his stuff) it still is quality stuff. look into it