Lr/ls Question


i am going to setup a 36x15x15 in tank and was wondering if i put
uncured LR and Cured LS in my tank with powerheads circulating the water ho wlong approx would it take to cure the LR and EFFECTIVLY finish the 1st cycle off.
i plan to put a 4-5"in DSB
and shall i run my skimmer during the first cycle
i Know about the prawn adding bit to increse ammonia and cause the Cycle to occur.
I would be very gratefully for help


Active Member
Running a skimmer during a cycle is an optional thing. If you don't run it your bio filter will be stronger. But IMO if you do run it your cycle will be shorter. Not sure why some people think it would make it last longer? I mean your protien skimmer is pulling junk out of the water that could lead to even more ammonia .


Again, differing opinions.
Drives me crazy.
I guess I will wait to run the skimmer.
I ran out of plug space!
Need another surge protector!


thx all for helping me answer my first ques but could u plz help me answer these:
1. becuse i am using uncured LR will my tank cycle take longer?
2. How will i no when the 1st cycle has finished. (is it when life starts to appear like little critters etc...) plz could sum 1 verify.
:) thx all


Active Member
Yes if you are using uncured LR it will take longer there is a lot more die off, I cannot tell how long because it can vary. You will want to get a good test kit for Ammonia, Nitrates and Nitrites. When Ammonia and Nitrites go up, your cycle has started. When Ammonia and Nitrites are 0 and Nitrates are low (around 10) then your cycle is finished. There are no other ways to know. If you are using uncured LR I would run the protien skimmer because you are going to have a lot of die off.