LR organisms?


New Member
How long did it take some of you to notice feather dusters, worms ofr anything else on the LR. I bought 75# of LR from SWF about a week ago and I'm constantly scanning the tank and rock for anything growing or crawling around. The LR I bought looks great though! I'm headed to my LFS to pick up another 20# and hopefully that should do it! My 21 month old boy and I are getting excited but waiting patiently for the tank to cycle. He sits in front of the tanks I have for hours pointing at the fish that aren't there yet. Another aquarium owner in the making!


That is great. How big did you say your tank was? It didn't take long for me to notice stuff on my rock, but as it time went along I noticed a lot more stuff. It is amazing at what can hide on or in those rocks for weeks and sometimes months without being seen.


New Member
I am new to this too, but it was only hours/days until I notices feather dusters & other organisms on my LR.

the claw

Active Member
I used a product called spectra vite (I think) Its a bio-catalyst, which really helps in bringing out the life of your live rock. It was recommended to me by me LFS guy. (No really, a good one!) He has nice tanks himself. I think it was success. It appeared to bring out more life than my last set-up.


New Member
I too got LR from this site and it looked great but after more than a month I have never seen any critters, featherdusters, or anything like that. It was alittle disappointing but I guess it happens! I still think the rock was a good buy.


New Member

Originally posted by miraclemade
I too got LR from this site and it looked great but after more than a month I have never seen any critters, featherdusters, or anything like that. It was alittle disappointing but I guess it happens! I still think the rock was a good buy.

I am new to all of this, but remember if you have fish swimming around, the featherdusters retract or suck in whenever something gets near it.
Also, those little anenome looking things are cute, but the multiply quickly, Get rid of them ASAP.:mad: