LR question: why harmful critters only come in FL LR


Is this the case? I find that hard to believe. Isopods are one of the greatest success stories in the oceans, all of the oceans, seas, etc.. These guys fill every niche you can imagine. Most good guy roles, eating dead organic matter. Only a few specializing in living tissue.
I am left with the impression that the coasts of Florida are filled to the brim with fish killing isopods and mantis shrimp.
While there are quite a few mantis shrimp, I have collected hundreds over the last 25-28yrs (yes I am a native Floridian, but this is not a defence of my state, rather a curious musing over fauna distribution), they are not so common as one under every rock.
Rather curious.
Perhaps the mantis are opportunistic in regards to establishing new territories. But more than likely, their prefered food source loves the imported bare or semi-bare rock; thus drawing them in.
As far as the Florida rock dealers, you would think they are at the very least lurking here. Hey guys, why don't you fresh water dip the rocks first. Save your customers some grief?
Just seems odd that established rock from (insert tiny island name) would not have mantis. They are everywhere.
I have been absorbing all of this, mulling over my plans for seeding my own rock offshore. I will assuredly drip several times to release the majority of the critters, keeping the ones I want and discarding the rest back to the sea. Hopefully this will result in well seasoned, seeded, and safe live rock.
Still curious about the natural live rock compared to the seeded live rock.
Any thoughts?


Actually I have never heard of the bad isopods being in FL until last night from that other thread. Everything I have read before said that they were from the Pacific. I have a pic in a magazine of a goby from the indo-pacific with a isopod attached sitting in my bathroom, due to coloration you can barely see the isopod. I believe it was prolly just paranoia concerning that guy getting rid of all the isopods.

bang guy

The reason you get more bad critters from Florida Rock is because you simple get more critters. You get the good with the bad. It doesn't sit in the sun & bake and the travel time is much less, therefore, fewer critters die off.
it is illegal to take live rock from florida. the live rock we get is dumped in the ocean/gulf, then harvested later