LR question


New Member
I'm new to SWF and using LR. I bought 20 lbs for my 29 gal Biocube from a LFS. I was told it was cured and ready to go directly into the tank. My levels are fine and indicate that it has finished cycling but I do notice a lot of dead (green and brown colored) material still attached to the LR. Should I have cleaned it up a bit before adding it? Should I do so now? The tank has been running for 10 days, everything is at 0 except nitrates which are at 10. Any suggestions are appreciated.


Active Member
Your cycle is not complete with nitrates at 10ppm. Adding llive rock may cause a recycle due to added nutrients. I like to r/o dip any rock that enters my tanks to rid of any unwanted pests and scrub as needed.


New Member
Thanks for the info. I continue to check levels and they still are exactly the same. I am trying the shrimp method to push the cycle forward. I will stay patient but I have two clowns that are anxious to move into their new tank.


Im new also but i was under the impression that with my 29g biocube i was supossed to set it up fill with DI water and salt mixture and once that was correct add LR and wait till the tank cycled before adding anything else. I would like to know if the LR needs to be rinsed in a tub of RO or DI. Are you not supposed to put LR in after your salt levels a 1.025 for 24 hrs?


Active Member
Chances are you will see little to no cycle with cured LR. Just keep testing and ghost feed the tank. Nitrates are the end result of a cycling tank after ammonia is converted to nitrites and then to nitrates.


While we're on the subject of live rock: If you stack live rock against back glass of dt you can make it look really cool but I was told do not do that because then you can't clean tank as well.


Active Member
If you have 0 ammonia, and 0 nitrites, but do have nitrates, your tank has cycled. It is very unlikely that your nitrates will go down on their own (meaning without water changes).
However, before you add fish, I would feed the tank for a week as if you had fish, to make sure there is no ammonia spike from that.


New Member
I will do a water change today and monitor all levels. I will continue to wait before adding anything to the tank. All comments have been helpful. Thanks to everyone.