LR Question


New Member
I'm pretty new to the saltwater tanks but I'm hopelessly addicted. And to think it all started when when grandma won a goldfish in a carnival. Oh well.
Anyways, my question is, I have a 29 gallon tank with about 8 lbs of LR in it. I've had it running already for a few months. It has a damsel, tomato clown, a pseudo and a gobbie and some crabs.
I want to add more LR rock to it and have been reading about cured and not cured and read that I should even put cured LR in a separate container for 1-3 weeks. Is this necessary? was thinking of getting to 1 lb per gallon of LR so prolly add like 20lbs of it. Any comments are greatly appreciated.


About the rock... if you get it from a good source and make sure that the rock is already cured then you shouldnt have any problems putting it in your tank. I would only put in about 10 pounds or less and then monitor the water for about a week. If all is fine, add another ten.
Key point is that the store already has it cured! In fact, alot of stores will let you buy the rock they have in tanks with inverts and coral as long as its not holding anything up. Thiis the best to get in my opinion.
Hope this helped a bit.