LR Questions

I have just added 30 lbs. of live rock to my tank to help finish cycling. A week ago I put in a live sand bed to replace cc and an ugf. My question is are there any water parameters I need to monitor other than the typical ammo, trites, trates??? Also are there any additives i.e. trace elements or anything i need to put into the tank? This is my first time with lr.


New Member
If your pH is only 7.9 it needs to be buffered. You can pick up an aquarium buffer at any pet store. I personaly perfer Kent, but any Marine buffer will due. As far as additives a tank with Live rock should be treated with trace elements, calcium, and both water and fat soluable vitamins. Just as you would the water in a reef tank. By doing this it allows maximum growth for whatever in living on your rock. Also by taking the best of care of your rock and making the water wonderful for your fish you find that your fish not only look better but live longer too. :)
thanks for the help, ive got the ph buffer already. is 8.2 high enough? It also looks like a trip to the lfs is in store to get those trace elements and calcium.


I would also recommend testing your calcium levels now and then. I stopped doing this and they dropped a little. My live rock started to loose its color. Once I brought the calcium back up it has been doing great.