lr smells foul changing colors help please


here's a few shot's tell me what's going on they look pretty bad my first pics hope i did them justice


Hey Shifty
Kudos to Broomer!! He told you right. If your LR is uncured or has had a good amount of die off in it, definitely run your skimmer. It will help pull out the dead proteins from the LR that are loose in the tank. If your LR was cured and didnt really smell, and as was stated earlier, how smelly is smelly?? It wont hurt you to run your skimmer, it might extend the cycling a little.
Do not think your cycle will be over in a week, especially on a 150. I started a 29 hex, used 5# substrate from my established 55, and also incorporated 10 gals from 55 tank. Put some good LR in it too. And for good measure, I put 2 filter bags that had been in my 55 sump for months to help with bacteria. It still took 4 weeks to cycle. It is just a nature thing, I guess. AND I did not have a skimmer in the hex, so that did not slow down cycle. It is just going to take time.
I have heard of three ways to help the cycle:
#1: put a raw shrimp in it - YUCK - think you got a smell now??
#2: people call it cruel - put 5-6 damsels in it and feed em flake, it does work.
#3: just let your LR & LS be the cycling agents
take your pick, just dont try to rush it, it can cost you some bucks from dead critters.
Good Luck
and remember, "patience is a virtue, Grasshopper"
-- PS --
your rock looks good, the white stuff could be new sponge growth, hard to tell from Florida even with my glasses on, hehehehe:D