LR tank


Active Member
so, ive got a cycled 20 gallon in my basement filled with some not so nice cured live rock. its got a HOB running carbon, a canister that i threw on to see if it worked, a maxijet 1200, and a heater set to 79F. i might toss a prizm (lol) on it at some point but i really dont see too much of a point to it. ive tossed some established LR from my DT in there, to introduce pods, bristle worms, bacteria, and coralline. there are also 2 nassarius snails to help keep everything tidy, and i feed the tank a tiny pinch of flakes (im just trying to get rid of them lol) a couple times a week.
the rock is going to be there for a while, untill i get my 75 up & running, so im just trying to get it good and organism'd up while its sitting around. am i going about this the right way? i dont see anything wrong with it but ive been known to do stupid things before. also, the LR i took from my DT has coralline on it, will it spread onto the new rock even though there is no actual light over the tank? just light from a nearby window. i know coralline does better in subdued light than full on MH's, but should i toss a little CF on there? im trying to discourage niusance algae.
just looking for advice, suggestions, random musings, or alternate ideas to think about... im really bored with myself right now so i figured new tank? why not.
thanks. sorry so long.


Active Member
sounds like youve got everything covered. Maybe do an occasional water change, like 25% a month or so just in case nutrients (nitrate mostly) build up in there. Skimmer and water flow are the most important for keeping LR going for extended periods IMO and youre set with those