LR turning white?


I recently had the opportunity to purchase about 80lbs of LR from two different sources. All the rock came from active systems and all had beautiful purple corraline algae growth. The rocks been in my tank for two-three weeks and in many places the corraline algae is turning white - I have some very soft looking green algae grwong on the rock. My water parameters are 0 - amonia, trite and trate, salt 1.024-5, dkh 11, calcium 280-300 despite my atempts to raise, magnisium 1240. I tested for phoshates and it looks like I have almost 0. I only have three fishes all small, sailfin tang, tomato clown, flame hawkfish. Any explanation for the white spots?
Thank you


Active Member
Alk and Calcium are the main causes of white coraline along with inadequite lighting.
Your Calcium is deffinatly low, I would try to raise.


Active Member
there should be no reason you cannot raise your calcium, how old is your test and what are you doing to raise it?
what lights did the rock come from, and how long was the rock exposed as you moved it? what lights do you have now?


the calcium test kit is brand new, the rock came from a reef tank with MH lighting, I'm sure. I have two 36" Coral life 96w with 50/50 acitinic 10,000K.


the rock was barely out of water for 45minutes or so, covered with wet towels and some water for transport.


Active Member
ehh, probably enough time to bleach it a little. in all honesty, just get your calcium up and the coralline will grow back exponentially.


Active Member
yea its fine, it's probably just used to having mh's and going to (i assume) power compacts just shocked it a little as well.


New Member
did you happen to replace the active carbon recently?
45 min is not really a long time for the rock to be out of the water. When lr is shipped it can be out for a whole day or more.


Active Member
and i have coralline that is dead on some snails becaue they stick their shells out for 15 minutes as they clean my frag rack. i have coralline fade after i've glued frags onto the rock. a lot of the rock i've seen shipped usually doesn't have coralline on it.
coralline fades, it grows. it will be fine.


New Member
Maybe I should explain about the carbon
Usually in stores, the tanks they keep the live rock in doesn't have an active carbon filtration. Or it is just old carbon. This will turn the water a bit yellow and block more of the lighting than you think. Now I'm assuming its a new tank since you just bought 80 pounds. When you move that rock to a clearer water and more likely better lighting, the rock will get bleached out. I see it all the time bro.
But like everyone is saying, it will definitly grow back.