LR vs. Base Rock questions


I've had my tank set up for going on 2 years now. I was trying to cut corners & save money, so I originally purchased some Honeycomb Base Rock from this site (I've since noticed that they no longer carry it). I like the shapes of the rocks, but they seem to really hold on to nusaince algaes. I have 50lbs of BR and 2 other rocks that were originally "live rocks". The LR has little to no algae on it and the base rocks are covered in something that looks similar to cyano. It's not slimy though... it looks more fuzzy. And I can't get it to scrub off of the rock... it looks almost stained. Anyway, I finally broke down and ordered 50lbs of live rock. It's in the process of curing right now. I'd love to keep most of my old base rock and just add the new stuff in addition to it, but I'm wondering if it would be a better idea to take out the base rock and let it dry out... maybe scrub all of the crap off of it and possibly add it back in later. I just find it really weird that those rocks are covered in the algae and the LR has almost none on it, even though it's stacked right in with the other stuff. Any opinions or suggestions?
It's a 55gal currently FO with 2x54w T5 (soon to be 4x54w when I transition to corals) with individual reflectors.


you could probly leave most of the base rock and just add the LR on top of your current rock. but i would try and get alot of that base out of there and clean it all off then add it back in later. that way it all looks very nice and newish


Active Member
I have never herd of honey comb rock. I would look into what it is made out of. I am not sure but if the rock is a silca base then that could explain the alge growth but I am not to sure on that. But it could be why swf stopped selling it. IMO worth asking them about. Also if the yank has been set up for 2 years then that base rock is probably live by now. So I would not take it out. Execpt for a good scrubing


What kind of water flow do you have hitting/ going through your rock work?? Check it out. A Good water change never hurts. Good luck.


I was kind of wondering what it was made of too. The only time I've ever seen it is when they sold it here. I've had problems keeping any corals (have only tried a few small shrooms & zoos mostly), so it's definitely crossed my mind that the rock could be made out of something that I don't want in the tank.


I've got a Koralia 2 on one side of the tank & a Koralia 3 on the other, plus the return. It's not TONS of flow, but there's definitely some good water movement.
I've also been doing quite a few water changes since I got my RO/DI hooked up a few months ago. The combination of that, getting a good skimmer, and adding chaeto to my fuge has hugely cut back on the algae blooms, but it's still all over the stinking base rock.


Ask SWF.Com thay have an ask section. I am sure they will shed light on the problem, or fix it. They are good people.


Thanks for the suggestions.
I'll definitely head over and post a question for them. I haven't been on much lately and just saw that they'd added that as a new forum.
Still can't wait to get the new rock in the tank :) Did a water change today on the tub of rock and holy CRAP did it smell bad. It was making my whole house reek (it was uncured to begin with, so it's got a ways to go!). It smells a little fresher now!