LR vs chaeto Poll


Active Member
I need some opinions. I'm adding a 40 refuge to my 55g tank and I have to options:
Option 1: Fill the 40g to the top with LR and leave a little room for chaeto.
Option 2: Fill the 40g halfway up with LR leaving more room for the chaeto.
Which do you think would do the best at maintaining the water quality??


Yo Nut.

As long as you have plenty of live rock in the main then all you need is the chaeto, unless you have some liverock that won't be doing anything then you can add some of it. I would, like you are thinking, leave at least half the room for cheato. but I would do it with one side of the tank vs. the other. In other words the right half would be rock the left half would be chaetomorpha, whichever is the furthest away from any return pump or drain.


Active Member
The more Chaeto the better, IMO! Maybe some smaller peices of LR, or just alot of rock rubble would be great...than fill it with Chaeto.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
Yo Nut.

As long as you have plenty of live rock in the main then all you need is the chaeto, unless you have some liverock that won't be doing anything then you can add some of it. I would, like you are thinking, leave at least half the room for cheato. but I would do it with one side of the tank vs. the other. In other words the right half would be rock the left half would be chaetomorpha, whichever is the furthest away from any return pump or drain.
ditto to that!!


Active Member
Thanks for the info... I see everyone's point!! I'd be interested in the opinion's of the two people that voted for Option 1!!!!


Staff member
Chaeto, since you already have plenty of LR in the main tank. You could add a few pieces of rock rubble to populate your chaeto with detritivores....then the cheato will actually become a safe zone, or nursery for pods, brittlestars, bristtleworms, even spaghetti-es if you have some, or plan to get some.