LR w/ hitchiker anemonies..


Bought two small pieces of LR and put them into the tank. They are about 2 lbs at most together...
They are nice flat pieces to use as shelves. After putting in the tank i noticed those dreaded anemonies. You know, the bad ones. I pulled the rocks out about 10 minutes ago and put them in a freshwater dip. LFS guy suggested the fresh water dip. He advised, and i figured, that most of everything is going to die off.
My ?: They are very small pieces. Even two lbs is being very generous.
Will the die off have a large effect on ammonia levels?
Will the levels be small enough for my tank to take care of it?
Or, should i pull out the bucket and start these rocks through the curing process?


The effect of 2lbs will depend on 2 much die off there actually is, and how large of a tank you have. With a 55gal and a skimmer, I really doubt that 2lbs of uncured rock will cause much of an ammonia spike. Good luck.....


i think he is talking about aptasia....if it is..i "heard" you can get rid of them by either injecting calcium into them or boiling water and filling up a siringe and just blow the hot water over them..thats what i did in my tank and it worked well...they havent spred either...just dont try and cut them or pull them off or they may be able to may try that or wait for a few more replies just to double check.


i have a few things on my you have a pic of what you are talking about ?......this would help me out know what you have and if they are bad....thanx


here is a pic off the internet, this is aptasia....if you do a simple search on any search engine you will find out everything you need to know.


I think there bad, they grow real fast and sting most of your corals, I would get it out of the tank, but try to keep from tuching it in the tank, it lets of stuff that will grow new ones by the 100s:(