

There are a few indications. The first is how long they have had it. Also does it have an odor or any noticable die off. I guess the only shure way is to have them test the water from their lr tank. If the ammonia and nitrates are 0 and the rock wasn't just added, then it is cured.


If it just had a regular fishy ocean smell it is prob fine... If it had a rotten fishy smell then it needs to be cured.


Are you putting it in a new tank? If you are, you will cycle anyway so if it is not entirely cured then it will be by the time your cycle is complete. If you are adding it to an established tank, you can put the LR into a temporary container and test that water with the rock in it every day for a week to ensure you don't have amonia spikes. If you don't have any, then you are likley safe to add the live rock. If the tank is established, it is usually advised to add the LR in stages instead of a huge addition all at once.


Thanks. The tank is about 6 weeks old and I want to add more rock to it. I did make a mistake of buying a rock that had a green hair looking stuff on it, and being a N00b I just plopped it right into my tank.

After reading some more I removed as much as the hairy stuff as I could, but I have a fear that it will make a return.

Any thoughts?


Dont get too worked up about the possibility of hair algae. There are many different inhabitants that will eat it for you including crabs and lawnmower blennys. Hair algae is something you might get from the LR you didn't see anything on. Just keep your tank going and address issues when they come up. If you worry about stuff that might happen this hobby will make you crazy.
