

OK let me make sure I understand. Even with CC I can start adding LR, and finally do away with my hangon filters. And if I get LR, will I have to get rid of my red & blue legs. Please say yes to the LR. And no to losing my crabs. :)


Active Member
Your crabs will be much happier after you add the LR! The LR will be your bio-filter so as long as your bio-load is not to large then the hangon filter can be removed... Only after the LR have a chance to buildup the proper bacteria. I have no idea how much of a bio-load an eel has.
As for the CC, it would benefit you in the long run to replace the CC for LS... IMO


Maybe start with 30-40 lbs, and increase as money allows. My main concern is Ive been running 2 whispers. one died. If I start adding live rock now, hopefully theres no need to replace the dead one. I also have a seaclone skimmer. and as you can see a small bio-load.


Active Member
I think 1- pound per-gallon is a good rule of thumb to end up with. If you are adding the LR directly to your tank make sure to buy cured or developed LR. If not you will need to run it in another tank for a couple weeks. What are your nitrates now? With a small bio-load you should be ok but again I know nothing about eels. What is the whisper rated for? Nice sig by the way... ;)


I have no prob with nites, with very little water changes. Don't remember what the whispers were rated for, would have to look them up again. I think I will be ok with one filter and my skimmer until I get my LR built up. I'm fixin to go to town and check on some LR. Thanks for all your advice. I'll keep you posted. And if people only knew how TRUE that sig was.