LS in a 75 gallon tank?


I am starting a new 75 gallon tank with lr and ls and was wondering how many pounds of ls to order to give me the 4 inch layer? Also, how long should I cycle the tank before adding fish. Thanks for your help.


My dimensions are 50" long by 18" wide. This sounds like alot of LS. Is there a way to cut costs by mixing with something else? Or is this not the place to skimp. Thanks again.


Oh, one more thing. Is limestone a good rock to be used for building up under LR? If so whats the best way to scrub it prior to introduction into the tank? Thanks.


Active Member
1st, you can cut costs alot by adding mostly dry sand, my reccomendation is aragonite, if you can get some, and if not silica and quaartz sands have been rumored to be a not so good thing, but lately it seemsthat hte rumors were just rumors, i know of a lot of people who used quickrete sand(which is quartz), and silica sands, but my first choice is still aragonite, it is a better substrate to use for aquariums, and only add one bag of ls, the ls will seed your dry sand, adn if you have lr, that will also seeed your sand bed, but you are probably looking at aaround the estimated figure
2d, i won;t use any rock in mya quariums, except for either live rock, or if i must cut cost, i will use tufa(which is reef rock from under the reef) rock(you can often find this at landscaping supplie stores, for @ 1$/lb), some may say they used limestone, but i will not, personally
and last, you should cycle the tank until it is finished, there is no way of telling how long, all systems are different, and to say one month or 2 months, may not be accurate, it can take anywhere up to a couple of months, depending on how much lr, if it is cured, how much ls you use in your mix, all factors can change things, but how you tell is by watching your ammonia levels, it will rise, then fall(on it's own, do NOT try to lower it in anyway), then your nitrites will spike and fall, and your nitrates, after your ammonia and nitrItes peak and reach ZERO, then you can do a small water change and start adding fish(i would wait one more week, to make sure that it stays stable at 0
<a href="" target="_blank">read this article, it will help with some info and cycling questions</a>
HTH,a nd come back and ask more questions


i have a 75 too...i used 150 lbs of southdown and it has worked out great...
i say grab 3 bags of SD and add a little ls and you'll be set...
good luck


Is Southdown a common sand found at home improvement stores? I am very new to this , and am not real familiar with it. Thanks for all of the great advice.


South Down is a brand name that is sold by Home Depot only, And it seems hard to get if your in the west. I have found a guy at HD that orders it for me but out of the three HD's in my town onlu one will order it for me so it may take some conviencing to get them to order it for you. South Down is the same sand that is sold by Carib Sea, it is also a sterilized sand with very small grain. If you do a seach on South Down you will find more info on it then you will care to read LOL, i hope this will all help ya have anymore ? just post them.
