LS & LR question


when i set up my tank when do i put the LS and LR in the tank? Do i put everything in on the first day, or should I just put the aragonite in first? If so how long do i wait before I put the LS and LR in? please help, would like to start working on my tank this weekend :yes:



Originally posted by malounsbury
Yes, if you mix live rock and base rock, the live rock will "seed" the base rock and it will eventually become live.

Thanks...Newbie learning here...LOL...:D


tank volume in gallons:
Height x Width x Depth (all in inches) / 231
On is 55.5"L X 18"W X 24" H = ~100 gallons
The second tank is a bow front. It is 48" L X 12.5W X 21"H
*I'm assuming the 12.5W is at the narrow end of the bow... most measurements are to the wide part, but this sounds like a standard 72 gallon bowfront.:yes:
i guess i should start a science museum in my apartment so i can get big aquariums for free


Thanks ace, I didnt have the formula right in front of me.
As for setting it up shilpe, you can add everything at once. Put in your water and mix it up, let it go for a bit and then measure the salinity to make sure you're in the right range. Once you have that done, you can add the aragonite. You'll probably get a dust cloud from that, so when it settles you can put down the live sand and wait for the cloud from that if there is one. After that, you can put down the rock. I would suggest putting some PVC under the rock just in case you have a burrower in your tank, if they start moving some of the sand, you may have a rock fall and that would be bad. :happyfish


Sounds good, thank you for the help. I was going to work this Saturday, but screw that if I can do this in one day then I want to get started, ive waited so long. I know I have to be patient, but this is a big starting step. May be I will work half the day to help pay for the LR. Im so excited, thank you again. Will keep y'all posted as to my progress :D


Active Member
This is how I started.
40lbs of base sand or "sugar sand" Then 20lbs of live sand. Base sand went on bottom then live sand on top. No mixing just left it alone. Then I got some sand from a friend and that gave me some worms and such.
For rock I started off with 75lbs of base rock or "lace rock". I got around 5 to 6lbs of live rock "some just plain lace rock" and 1 peice that was premiume live rock. He also gave me some shells to help spread coralline algea. That was from the same guy as above. I am now seeing huge outbreaks of coralline algea and before long my rock will go from $1.38 per lb "what I paid for as base rock" to $7 per lb "what it costs locally".


ok change of plans, i cant get to the store until monday to get LR for my tank, is that going to be a problem putting LR in my tank a couple of days after setting up the tank?? I planned on putting the sand and LS in this Friday. Also for my 75g should I add all the rock in one shot, or should I get it in smaller quantities??


Shouldn't be a problem. I had my tank set up on one Saturday I think it was, with the water. I added the sand a day later I think, and the rock wasn't added until the following week because I didn't have a heater at that point. So, it was a week after I put the water and sand in for me, no problems.
As for the quantity of rock, if you're cycling your tank, get as much rock as you can in one shot, that way you don't have to worry about getting more later, curing it before it goes in and then trying to add it to your current rock structure and having to rearrange it with fish in the tank. The more you can do before you have fish/inverts in the tank, the better of you are.


I informed my husband of our schedule for the next couple of days, he said he is ready to taxi me around to wherever I need to, for whatever I need! :D


Active Member
My tank had water and sand for about a week then it had base rock and then after my tank was done cycling I got around 5lbs of live rock. So as long as your placing the "big" amount of live rock in during the cycle it wont do any than "mabey" prolong the cycle alittle. If you are only gonna start off with a few lbs of live rock like me it can be added whenever since there wont be enough stuff to cause a spike.