LS or Aragonite?


Active Member
Argonite is the type of sand that is used. Live sand just refers to the fact that there a little critters in your sand that are beneficial for your tank. Once your sand (Argonite) is in your tank and you seed it with either some live sand you have purchased , or some LS from someone elses tank the critters will spread through your sand and make it live sand.


Active Member
Now that you have aragonite sand, seed it with LS. Get a couple of cups worth from a friend, LFS, or buy a bag of Araglive LS. Eventually all sand will be LS.


There are 2 types of live sand.
1) Aragonite sand is made of Calcium Carbonate ( CACO3 ) and will fizz if dropped into an acidic liquid like vinegar.
The other is Silica Sand made of silicon dioxide ( SIO2 ). This will not fizz in an acidic liquid.
In my opinion, Aragonite is superior to Silica. Firstly, the calcium will disperse into your water helping to maintain an 8.2 PH and assist in buffering your water. Secondly, and more importantly, when calcium is crushed each piece maintains it's crystalline structure, that is a rhomb shaped crystal. Kinda like a cube that has been pushed to one side. This is called the "cleavage" of the crystal. For that reason, Aragonite will compact more densly than silica since silica has no cleavage and will shatter haphazardly.
What this does is give more anaroebic bacteria (no oxygen) to your tank and that is what you want.
Sorry for the technical input, but that's your geology lesson for tonight.


Active Member
I only used 1 bag of live sand to 6 bags of regular aragonite sand. I've heard you can use as little as one cupful if you are on a tight budget.