LS Question(s)..


New Member
I am buying an 80g tank and want to build a reef in it. I am starting from a dry tank.
I dive and have to make special arrangements to harvest LS. I've read up on harvesting my own fish (it seems easy enough), but I think that can wait for now.
If I bring up 2 or 3 five gallon buckets (probably 20 pounds each) of LS from Atlantic side reefs, would this be enough, or should I buy some of the dead sand you can get - Home Depot? :notsure:
If I do this, should I take the top 6 inches from one place, or should I skim a little from a larger area? :notsure:
I do know its illegal in Florida to harvest LR, but I can pick up some shells that may or may not have stuff on them. I was planning on timing a dive trip so that I return home, and receive a shipment of LR the following day. That way I can add fresh LS and shipped LR and allow the tank to cycle on that.
If anyone has done anything similar, please advise, if not, stick around for a write up... :)


Active Member
Southdown sand from home depot will work just fine. The only concern I would have with using sand from the ocean is the getting polluted or nutrient rich sand... but at the same time you may get some really cool sand critters??


New Member
I intend on lettig everything cycle for quite some time, and I'd put inverts in before and fish or corals.
My main goal with this tank would be a "local fauna" display. Plus, I could say, "I caught those" instead of "I bought those".